March 09, 2007

Binding my existence to the world

Once I woke up at 6:00 am in the morning as I did sleep early last night. After then I don't remember if I was dreaming or I was thinking awake. All the the thoughts running through my head. This post is more on philosophical note, inspired by the subconcious aquired in Philosophy lectures. Took out the diary and wrote this.
All the world around me and all the reasons and wisdoms and ill-wisdoms are not enough to let me believe that Moksha theory is untrue. For those who say nothing happens for just like that, nothing is without a reason, without a purpose of itself, I say then what is the purpose of our existance? If you say earning or learning of (as most say) being a professional or anything that a person may set for himself, is his purpose, then it is something you WANT. You yourself decided that you wil be/have what you want. How can this be purpose of life. This is the perpose of something which you say "I" and I say "you". Isn't it different from "life". Such purpose changes from purson to person whereas the life which runs in you, runs through all of them, binds them all to the earth, and it makes them feel like living . This is all what is reasoned out by me. But is the thing which I called life same as what Indian Philosophers called ATMA- soul- self. This is still a mystry. But all the happenings to me, my concience and my reasoning, and the world around me are conspiring together to make me belive: YES..

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