May 11, 2006

About me......

Im not sure whether I think this or not.But there r some thngs that I feel like.

"Have to try accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you can. And I have been fighting, still am, but am getting so tired of it, of myself. Thinking just get over it, busy with a million things to make other people happy, smile and laugh, trying to forget about myself.
Fear for intimicy and rejection. I've wasted enough years, by fighting as well as running from it.
I will have to find a way to accept myself as I am, all of me. But I've known that for years. I know where it comes from, I know what to do about it, just not how to deal with it. "

this is the 1 i got from psycology community. lingerring to it 2 much these days. to know what ppl think about me from that thread.
IIT Kanpur has taught me somethings that were not known to me earlier. One of which is to have fun i.e. masti marna in Aman's language. Another thing is to hava my say in a matter, put forward my views on subjects of open discussions

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